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©2017 by Ajay Shankar

since July 2017

since July 2017

IGNTU, Amarkantak, Madhya Pradesh, India



When we think we know, we cease to learn.

—S. Radhakrishnan



Everything that living things do can be understood in terms of the jiggling and wiggling of atoms.

—R.P. Feynman



The whole edifice of modern physics is built up on the fundamental hypothesis of the atomic or molecular constitution of matter.

—C.V. Raman



A chemist who does not know mathematics is seriously handicapped.

—I. Langmuir




It was poverty and the poor laboratory that gave me the determination to do the very best I could.

—C.V. Raman




People who wish to analyze nature without using mathematics must settle for a reduced understanding.

—R.P. Feynman




Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited, whereas imagination embraces the entire world, stimulating progress, giving birth to evolution.

—A. Einstein



Knowing without seeing is at the heart of chemistry.

—R. Hoffmann



Stability can only be attained by inactive matter.

—M. Curie



A tidy laboratory means a lazy chemist. (Don’t misinterpret!)

—J. J. Berzelius



A chemist who is not a physicist is nothing at all.

—R. Bunsen



Nature does not act by purposes.

—E. Schrodinger



Matter and energy seem granular in structure, and so does life, but not so mind.

—E. Schrodinger



Knowledge is the death of research.

—W. Nernst



Ask the right questions, and nature will open the doors to her secrets.

—C.V. Raman



Poverty is the parent of revolution and crime.


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